Other presentations

  1. Suárez, F. Energía y abastecimiento de agua en la cuenca del río Copiapó (Chile). Curso sobre Gestión integrada de aguas subterráneas. Oral Presentation. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Sep 7-11, 2015.
  2. Suárez, F. Propiedades y modelamiento de cubiertas vegetales y sus componentes. I Seminario Internacional de Infraestructura Vegetal de Edificios. Oral Presentation. Santiago, Chile. May 13-14, 2014.
  3. Suárez, F. Sistemas distribuidos de temperatura para el monitoreo de contenidos de
    humedad y flujos de agua en medios porosos. Tercera Jornada Técnica 2012 – ALHSUD “Recarga artificial de acuíferos”. Oral Presentation. Santiago, Chile. December 12, 2012.
  4. Suárez, F., Aravena, J.E., Hausner, M.B., Childress, A.E., Tyler, S.W. (2010). Monitoring the temperature profile in a solar pond using a vertical high-resolution distributed-temperature-sensing system. Panel discussion: “Renewable energy and the future of Nevada”. Poster Session. Reno, Nevada, USA. October 14, 2010.
  5. Suárez, F. (2010). Salt-gradient Solar Ponds for Renewable Energy, Desalination, and Reclamation of Terminal Lakes. Seminario N°15/2010 – Departamento de Ingeniería Hidraúlica y Ambiental, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Oral Presentation. Santiago, Chile. August 25, 2010.
  6. Tyler, S.W., Suárez, F., Childress, A.E. (2010). Coupled solar pond/direct contact membrane desalination systems: innovative use of waste heat for freshwater production. School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Oral Presentation. Lausanne, Switzerland. July 9, 2010.
  7. Suárez, F., Cath, T., Tyler, S. W., Childress, A. E. (2008). Saving the Terminal Lakes: Salinity-Gradient Solar Ponds. 2008 City of Reno Green Summit. Poster Session. Reno, Nevada, USA. September 20, 2008.
  8. Tyler, S.W., Wilson, J., Barber, P., Jorgensen, A., Howard, C.K., Suárez, F., Aravena, J.E. (2008). Measuring Cave Respiration and Thermal Circulation with Fiber Optic Temperature Systems. The Second Hands-on CUAHSI/HMF Workshop: Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing for Ecological Characterization. Poster Session. Oregon, USA. June 2-7, 2008.
  9. Suárez, F. (2007). Salinity-Gradient Solar Ponds – What are they and how do they work. 4th Annual Student World Water Forum. University of Nevada, Reno. Oral Presentation. Reno, Nevada, USA. November 15-16, 2007.