Hydraulic and thermal behavior of green roofs


Green roofs


This research aims to investigate the impacts of the hydraulic and thermal properties of a green roof substrate on its performance. Two main themes are being addressed by our research team: 1) experimental determination of the hydraulic and thermal properties of the substrate, to build physical models that enable prediction of green roof behavior; and 2) collection and analysis of distributed temperature sensing data in the green roof laboratory (LIVE).

Research Team

  • Francisco Ignacio Suárez Poch.
  • Sergio Vera (sustainable buildings)
  • Felipe Victorero
  • Carlos Bonilla (biophysical investigations)
  • Jorge Gironás (hydrological investigations)
  • Pablo Pastén (geochemical investigations)
  • Waldo Bustamante (sustainable buildings)
  • Victoria Rojas
  • Victoria Paz Sandoval Valdés, M.Sc. (in program), Thesis: “Impact of the properties of a green roof substrate on its hydraulic and thermal behavior”
  • José Antonio Cousiño Pollock, Undergraduate student, Theme: “Use of distributed temperature sensing in green roofs”
  • Nicole Blin Lizasoain, Undergraduate student, Theme: “Determination of hydraulic properties of green roof substrates”
  • Macarena Mazzachiodi Fernández, Undergraduate student, Theme: “Determination of thermal properties of green roof substrates”


Publications (peer reviewed) related to this project


Conference presentations/abstracts related to this project

  1. Cousiño, J.A., Hausner, M.B., Victorero, F., Bonilla, C., Gironás, J., Vera, S.E., Bustamante, W., Rojas, V., Leiva, E., Pastén, P., Suárez, F. (2015). Advantages of a Vertical High-Resolution Distributed-Temperature-Sensing System Used to Evaluate the Thermal Behavior of Green Roofs. AGU 2015 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 14-18, 2015.
  2. Blin, N., Sandoval, V.P., Suárez, F., Victorero, F., Bonilla, C., Gironás, J., Vera, S., Bustamante, W., Rojas, V., Pastén, P. (2015).The effect of layered substrates on green roof hydraulic performance. 10th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems. Dubrovnik, Croatia. September 27-October 3, 2015.
  3. Sandoval, V.P., Suárez, F., Vera, S., Pinto, C., Victorero, F., Bonilla, C., Gironás, J., Bustamante, W., Rojas, V., Pastén, P. (2015). Impact of the properties of a green roof substrate on its hydraulic and thermal behavior. 6th International Building Physics Conference. Torino, Italy. June 14-17, 2015.
  4. Sandoval, V.P., Suárez, F., Victorero, F., Bonilla, C., Gironás, J., Vera, S.E., Bustamante, W., Rojas, V., Pastén, P. (2014). Effects of substrate properties on the hydraulic and thermal behavior of a green roof. AGU 2014 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 15-19, 2014.
  5. Cousiño, J.A., Hausner, M.B., Victorero, F., Bonilla, C., Gironás, J., Vera, S.E., Bustamante, W., Rojas, V., Pastén, P., Suárez, F. (2014). Assessment of a fiber-optic distributed-temperature-sensing system to monitor the thermal dynamics of vegetated roofs. AGU 2014 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. December 15-19, 2014.
  6. Reyes, F.R., Vera, S., Gironás, J., Bustamante, W., Rojas, M.V., Victorero, F., Pastén, P., Suárez, F., Bonilla, C. Manejo del riego en cubiertas vegetales: análisis de sustentabilidad en un clima semiárido. XXVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica. Santiago, Chile. August 25-30, 2014.
  7. Sandoval, V., Suárez, F., Victorero, F., Bonilla, C., Gironás, J., Vera, S.E., Bustamante, W., Rojas, V., Pastén, P. Efecto de las propiedades de un sustrato de una cubierta vegetal sobre su comportamiento hidráulico y térmico. XII Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidrogeología. Santiago, Chile. August 25-30, 2014.
  8. Suárez, F. Propiedades y modelamiento de cubiertas vegetales y sus componentes. I Seminario Internacional de Infraestructura Vegetal de Edificios. Oral Presentation. Santiago, Chile. May 13-14, 2014.
  9. Suárez, F., Hausner, M.B., Loayza, M.A., Victorero, F., Pastén, P., Bustamente, W., Rojas, M.V., Gironás, J., Bonilla, C., Vera, S. Green roofs in semi-arid environments: The need for better predictive tools. CEDEUS International Conference: Sustainable Urban Development, Concepts and Methods 2014. Santiago, Chile. January 22-24, 2014.
  10. Leiva, E., Reyes, R., Suárez, F., Victorero, F., Bustamante, W., Rojas, V., Gironás, J., Bonilla, C., Vera, S.E., Pastén, P. Greening the startup of a green roof: improvement or degradation of water quality? CEDEUS International Conference: Sustainable Urban Development, Concepts and Methods 2014. Santiago, Chile. January 22-24, 2014.
  11. Bonilla, C., Reyes, R., Vera, S., Gironás, J., Bustamante, W., Rojas, M.V., Victorero, F., Pastén, P., Suárez, F. Green Roof Irrigation in Semi-Arid Climates: An Integrative Approach to Sustainable Urban Environments. CEDEUS International Conference: Sustainable Urban Development, Concepts and Methods 2014. Santiago, Chile. January 22-24, 2014.
  12. Victorero, F., Azorin, G., Vera, S., Bustamante, W., Bonilla, C., Gironás, J., Rojas, M.V., Pastén, P., Suárez, F. A New Laboratory for Experimental Evaluation of Building’s Vegetative Infrastructure in Semiarid Climates of Chile: An interdisciplinary approach. CEDEUS International Conference: Sustainable Urban Development, Concepts and Methods 2014. Santiago, Chile. January 22-24, 2014.
  13. Vera, S., Pinto, C., Victorero, F., Bustamante, W., Bonilla, C., Gironás, J., Rojas, M.V., Pastén, P., Suárez, F. A Parametric Study of the Impact of Green Roofs on a Retails’ Building Thermal Performance in a Semi-arid Climate. CEDEUS International Conference: Sustainable Urban Development, Concepts and Methods 2014. Santiago, Chile. January 22-24, 2014.